Monday 27 September 2010

Lots of New Events

Hi Guys!

It's been my parents' anniversary!  My mom cooked us a big dinner, chicken included.  I gave my parents a donut.  Then, two days afterwards, we went to a restaurant called Hereford Road.  At the restaurant we had interesting things, like soft roes on toast, smoked haddock, rabbit, and, best of all, calf brains!

Louise, Isabel and Ben at Hereford Road for 15th Anniversary dinner

Also before or after the anniversary -- we can't remember -- we visited the houses of the Duke of Marlborough and the Duke of Wellington.  They had a lot of stuff!  The Duke of Wellington defeated this guy Napoleon who they thought was going to take over Europe.  We saw a whole room full of silverwear for guests and two huge centerpieces for tables.  One was made out of gold, the other was white marble of Egyptian monuments and sphinxes.

We also took a long walk to a market called Spitalfield Market.  We got a bagels at a bagel store, spelled here, "beigel."  After that we went to a city farm and saw lots of farm animals -- horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, roosters and chickens, ducks and geese, some very cute pigs named Holmes and Watson, and, last but not least, guinea pigs of all sorts and colors and (my mom's favorite) some very funky looking rabbits.
Isabel and Livestock at Spitalfields City Farm

Isabel and Holmes and Watson

1 comment:

  1. Why is one of the pigs named watson?I agree that the pigs are very cute!
